to adopt a child is one of the most important decisions
you'll ever make, and we can help you. Every adoption
starts with a home study report, which must be conducted
by a qualified social worker. Evergreen
Adoption Services can do this for you,
walking you step-by-step through the adoption process,
helping you create the family of your dreams. We
are based in Seattle and serve Western Washington.
Evergreen Adoption Services means
you can count on experienced, professional, and
compassionate social workers. We’re ready
to help you understand the adoption process, to
organize the required paperwork, and to support
you throughout your adoption journey.
primary aim at Evergreen Adoption Services
is to help build strong, healthy, happy families.
We understand the adoption process; we know firsthand
the joy of a successful placement, and have made
it so for hundreds of families from all ethnic backgrounds,
socio-economic levels, and lifestyles.
want to help you realize your dream of building
a family through adoption.